Ladun 16th April 2019

Olubukola Atole!!! This was how I called you when you exasperated me and you would chuckle and stick out your tongue at me. Abugee, which was how I hailed you and what I would call you in fondness and love. I call you Bukola, and that always amused you. You would say, "Ladun, you are the only person who calls me Bukola, everyone else calls me Bukky". Those were beautiful years, which the 5 of us shared together. We did not see this coming, Bukola, you did not prepare us for this. Knowing what we know now, we wish we could turn back time, give more, do more, talked more. It hurts Abugee, it hurts so damn much! The 4 of us have gone through varying emotions, shock, an intense pain, sadness, anger and a feeling of helplessness and great loss. It's surreal . Nothing prepares one for this....... nothing.